Our Products
The organic mineral
The organic mineral
Minerals in poultry nutrition are typically classified as macro- or micro-minerals, depending on the levels needed in the diet. The macro-minerals include calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Requirements for the macro-minerals are typically expressed as percentage of the diet, while the requirements for the micro-minerals are stated as parts per million. Although the quantities required for micro-minerals are lower than for macro-minerals, they play an essential role in the body's metabolism. The micro-minerals include copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc.
Importance of Organic minerals:
A plant takes the inorganic minerals from the soil. It then converts them into a more adsorbed size and form. These minerals called bio-available minerals or organic minerals. Minerals derived from rocks processes are called inorganic minerals, which causes less productivity due to poor bio-availablity.
Mineral deficiency:
Trace minerals like Copper, Iron, Manganese, Chromium and Zinc are essential for immunity, health , productivity, metabolism of nutrients and reproductive function. But routine addition of inorganic minerals generally in oxides and sulphates form in diet are frequently subject to marginal deficiencies that affect health and performance.
Methodology - a key factor:
There are several methods to make organic minerals commercially. The procedures may differ from one another based on the nature of amino acids, peptides and protein for making organic minerals (e.g chelation) . The bio-availabity is also different based on the organic sources for proteination technology. Incomplete bonding between peptides and minerals will cause additional damages like oxidation and imbalance. so the quality and performance of the organic minerals always depend on the methodology of making organic minerals.
Oromin-Speciality Organic Minerals from BioNexgen:
The minerals in Oromin are unique mineral proteinates i.e trace minerals bound to amino acids and peptides. Oromin is produced using special proteination technology that assures more bio-availability of minerals.
The Oromin Advantage:
The pH environment of the small intestines is a challenge for inorganic minerals. It is now recognized that most diseases can be traced to essential mineral imbalances, excessive levels of some, and deficiencies in others.The unique blend of organic minerals in Oromin helps to extract the maximum genetic potential ofthe bird through better bio availability.
Each kg contains organic forms of
- Cobalt 1100mg.
- Chromium 200 mg.
- Copper 4600 mg.
- Manganese 72.5 g.
- Iodine 4200 mg.
- Iron 60.5 g.
- Selenium 300 mg.
- Zinc 72.5 g.
- Enhances bio-availability of minerals.
- Ensures intestinal absorption.
- Strengthens bone formation.
- Improves shelf life of egg and meat.
- Maintains overall performance.
Mixing Rate:
Layers and Broilers: 500 g to 750 g per ton of feed.
Breeders: 1kg. per ton of feed or as recommended by Veterinarian / Nutritionist.
Breeders: 1kg. per ton of feed or as recommended by Veterinarian / Nutritionist.
Test Data
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To provide our customers the best value added solutions with our expertise in science and Bio-technology.
Bionexgen Innovations Pvt limited is dedicated to deliver the Effective, Efficient and Economic (EEE)solutions to the challenges in Animal health Industry with our proven and Innovative methods.
We strive hard to give the best possible solutions to our customers. We work with full of integrity, transparency and fairness. We continuously improve and train our staff for best results. We capture the opportunities to grow with our respected customers. We promote new systems and innovations time to time. We assure the best of us to the industry with our committed force.